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Lavender Medi Spa is excited to extend its holistic anti-aging and wellness services to the community of Calhoun, Georgia. Under the expert guidance of Nurse Practitioner Sharlotte Manly, our team offers a wide array of treatments, including Botox, facials, fillers, hair restoration, IV therapy, vitamin injections, microneedling, thread lifts, and weight loss programs, all designed to help you achieve your beauty and health goals.


We pride ourselves on our holistic approach at Lavender Medi Spa, focusing on treating the whole person rather than just isolated issues. This ensures that you receive comprehensive care that enhances both your appearance and overall well-being. Our state-of-the-art techniques and technologies guarantee safe and natural-looking results in a tranquil spa setting in Chattanooga.


Conveniently serving patients from Calhoun and the surrounding regions, Lavender Medi Spa is dedicated to providing personalized treatments that meet your unique needs. Whether you’re seeking to improve your appearance or enhance your overall wellness, our team is here to support you. Schedule your consultation today and start your journey toward a more confident and vibrant you.