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Hair loss can significantly impact self-esteem and overall appearance. At Lavender Medi Spa in Chattanooga, Tennessee, we offer advanced hair restoration treatments designed to address hair thinning and loss, helping you regain your confidence.


Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can result from various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, and lifestyle choices. Understanding the underlying cause is crucial for effective treatment. Our comprehensive approach at Lavender Medi Spa ensures that we address the root of the problem to provide lasting solutions.


Hair Restoration Options

We offer a range of hair restoration treatments, including Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and microneedling with growth factors. PRP therapy uses your body’s own platelets to stimulate hair growth, while microneedling creates micro-injuries that promote hair regrowth and thickness. These non-surgical treatments are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime.


Why Choose Lavender Medi Spa?

Sharlotte Manly’s expertise and personalized approach ensure that each hair restoration treatment is tailored to your specific needs. Our clients from Chattanooga and surrounding areas like Hixson, TN, and East Ridge, TN, have seen significant improvements in hair density and quality. Book your consultation today to explore our hair restoration options and start your journey to fuller, healthier hair.