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Experience Our Holistic Spa Services in Chattanooga, TN

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The Importance of a Holistic Spa Approach

The pursuit of beauty often overlooks the importance of holistic well-being in today’s world. In Chattanooga, TN the holistic spa approach of Lavender Medi Spa looks to bring beauty forth. Affectionately called Lav by our clients, we offer a comprehensive range of services to blend anti-aging treatments with a holistic approach to overall well-being. We begin with a consultation to understand your unique goals and concerns. Whether you want to address signs of aging, boost your energy levels, or improve your overall health, our staff will work with you to develop a personal treatment plan tailored to you.

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Inclusive Holistic Spa Experiences

From cutting-edge anti-aging treatments to innovative weight loss programs, we offer holistic services designed to address both your aesthetic and health goals. By treating the body as a whole, we can help you achieve a more youthful appearance and a profound sense of inner vitality and balance. Experience our wide range of holistic services, including:


Lavender Medi Spa

1334 Mackey Branch Drive Suite 103
Chattanooga TN 37421


Hours of Operation
By Appointment Only

1334 Mackey Branch Drive suite 103, Chattanooga, TN 37421, USA

Contact Us Today

Treat Now, Pay Later With Cherry & Lavender Medi Spa

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